// Allows replacing the URL in case the associated form does not exist.
add_filter('borlabsOptInWPForms_FallbackPageLink', function ($fallbackURL) {
// Customize URL as needed
return $fallbackURL;
}, 10, 1);
// Allows replacing the URL in case the token is invalid or the time to confirm the opt-in has expired.
add_filter('borlabsOptInWPForms_optInErrorPage', function ($errorURL) {
// Customize URL as needed
return $errorURL;
}, 10, 1);
// Allows replacing the URL of the confirmation page (opt-in completed).
add_filter('borlabsOptInWPForms_optInSuccessPageLink', function ($successURL, $formData) {
// Customize URL as needed. $formData contains the object of the form used.
return $successURL;
}, 10, 2);
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