Version 1.8.1, July 17, 2024
- ERROR RESOLVED A minor issue in our Resolver class has been fixed.
Version 1.8, July 10, 2024
- IMPROVED The cache refresh after updating a post has been improved when working with page builders such as Elementor.
Version 1.7.4, March 21, 2024
- IMPROVED Script tags with the data attribute no-optimize or no-minify are now ignored by the optimization routine.
Version, August 3, 2022
- IMPROVED Handling of server requests (Borlabs Service).
Version, July 28, 2022
- ERROR RESOLVED Fixed TypeErrors triggered by code cleanup.
- ERROR RESOLVED Fragment Caching can be enabled again.
- ERROR RESOLVED JavaScript position header/footer can be configured again.
Version 1.7.2, July 13, 2022
- ERROR RESOLVED Saving the cache lifetime for archives and posts fixed.
Version 1.7.1, June 27, 2022
- IMPROVED CSS optimization.
- ERROR RESOLVED Lazy load of images works again.
- ERROR RESOLVED Cache maintenance options work again.
Version 1.7, June 20, 2022
- NEW Completely revised design, better user guidance.
- IMPROVED Creation of a personal license.
- REMOVED Trial license option removed.
Version 1.6.5, February 5, 2022
- ERROR RESOLVED Fixed compatibility issue with Borlabs Font Blocker.
Version 1.6.4, September 9, 2021
- IMPROVED PHP 8 compatibility.
- IMPROVED Servername detection.
Version 1.6.3, May 5, 2021
- IMPROVED Compatibility with MySQL Strict mode.
- ERROR RESOLVED Issue with cache exceptions for list of query strings fixed. Big thanks to Eric, who reported the bug!
Version 1.6.2, January 25, 2021
- IMPROVED PHP 8 Support
- IMPROVED Checking for updates limited to the admin area.
Version 1.6.1, June 16, 2020
- Fixed warning message when lazy load is active but no CSS class is configured
Version 1.6, April 6, 2020
- Improved html minification, <googleon:...> / <googleoff:...> comments are no longer removed
- Added option to exclude images from lazy loading
- Added option to cache view to mark pages for refresh
- Added option to add preload tags in <head>
Version 1.5.2, July 10, 2019
- Improved message handling
- Fixed PHP 7.3 deprecated notice
Version 1.5.1, April 3, 2019
- Improved, license key is now masked
- Fixed a very very rare issue when using Fragment Caching + LazyLoad which could result in a fatal error
- Fixed issue when external JavaScript was missing when using Smart Bundles
- Fixed styles of paging buttons in "View Cache" when using WordPress 5.x
Version 1.5, March 19, 2019
- Added option to exclude <style>-tags when merging CSS
- Fixed issue in the install routine on multisite networks (the update routine will fix that)
Version 1.4.1, February 12, 2019
- Fixed srcset modification when using a CDN
Version 1.4, January 6, 2019
- Updated minify
- Improved handling of cache index when moving a page to trash
- Added option to create smart bundles of JavaScript files
- Added option to disable a cache-refresh option in QuickEdit
- Added option to create separate cache files for mobile devices
- Added CDN support for picture-tag
- Added support for DONOTCACHEPAGE constant
- Fixed timestamp for header Expires
- Removed embedded support-system, link to ticket system instead
Version 1.3.1, July 24, 2018
- Fixed compatibility issue with Oxygenbuilder
Version 1.3, July 18, 2018
- Added ability for cacheable Nonces
- Fixed, cache folder location respects WP\_CONTENT\_DIR setting now
- Fixed error notice issue under cache-exception
- Fixed memory\_limit handling when setting is -1
Version 1.2.1, April 23, 2018
- Improved handling of plugin\_information hook
- Fixed wording
- Fixed missing path in Garbage Collector
Version 1.2, April 7, 2018
- Improved, refresh of the cache after applying the new configuration is now optional
- Improved handling of admin notices
- Improved default cache exception rules
- Improved support formular, transmits value of memory\_limit and allow\_url\_fopen setting
- Improved, Trial License automatically disables when valid until is exceeded
- Added option for developers to tell Borlabs Cache Preloader to use their custom prefix when preloading the site (this is a really cool feature which is hard to describe in one sentence)
- Added option to limit number of simultaneous tasks when creating and optimizing a cache file
- Added option to enable/disable cache preloader
- Added lifetime for 404 cache index entry after which it is deleted
- Added cache maintenance option to clear CSS pre-cache files
- Added option to fix missing semicolons in JavaScript
- Added Borlabs Cache menu to admin toolbar to refresh cache
- Added option to disable Borlabs Cache menu item in admin toolbar
- Added option to exclude taxonomies
- Added instant preloading of post/page when published
- Added tool to parse your XML Sitemap to build the cache-index
- Added preload statistic chart to the dashboard
- Changed default cache lifetimes. We recommend to perform a Cache reset after the update
- Support & Update period of an Envato purchase code will now be used to determine the license status. This will not be applied for purchases codes issued before this update.
Version, March 3, 2018
- Improved HTML minification
- Added third-party developer helper class
Version 1.1.9, February 11, 2018
- Improved update routine
- Improved search in View Cache
- Improved loading of CSS/JS files when using the URL instead of the local path
- Improved handling of files when they are not stored within /wp-content/
- Improved cache exception rule for xml-sitemaps
- Improved text for obstinate users which are still using PHP 5.3 or older
- Improved license unlink process
- Added cache exception rule for amp-sites
- Added cache exception rule for .rss sites which are not marked as "feed" within WordPress
- Added option to tell Borlabs Cache that nginx is running and no write-permission for .htaccess is required
- Added compatibility class
- Fixed image loading issue when CDN and LazyLoad were active at the same time
Version, December 4, 2017
- Updated URLs to knowledge base
- Improved performance by 30% when creating a cache file
- Fixed minor template issue
- Fixed rare case where inline JavaScript was not detected
- Fixed rare case where local CSS / JavaScript was marked as external
Version 1.1.8, November 27, 2017
- Improved update routine
- Improved upgrade routine
- Improved "Available version" notice on dashboard after update
- Added action hooks and filters for more flexibility, see Codex for more information
- Added lazy load functionality for images
- Added charset header for requested pages
- Added CORS rules when CDN is activated
- Added caching exception when wp\_get\_current\_commenter() has values
- Added ability to exclude sections from being optimized (for example you can exclude scripts now)
- Fixed information abour Commercial benefits when license is already Commercial
Version, November 23, 2017
- Fixed fallback for compression of CSS/JS
Version, November 20, 2017
- Improved compatibility with interal redirection from 3rd party plugins
- Fixed issue where whitespace was removed from fragment caching code
Version, November 18, 2017
- Fixed issue where JavaScript was not correctly placed into the footer
- Fixed translations
- Fixed issue in license template
Version 1.1.7, November 13, 2017
- Updated minification class to latest version
- Improved namespaces PSR-4 compliance
- Improved handling of 404 entries. When a post is published Borlabs Cache checks if the posts url is indexed as 404 and removes it
- Improved cache buffer handling and theme compatibility
- Added option to remove license data for easier license transfer to new websites
- Added option to enable CSS/JS minification. Was active before by default but without an option
- Added ability to serve CSS/JS from a cookieless domain
- Added nonces for CSRF protection
- Changed defer-attribute default status. Is disabled by default now in all presets
- Changed default value for external script position from "after" to "before"
- Changed handling of features of Commercial-license. They are no longer hidden when a Personal-license is active instead, they are displayed but unable to be used
- Fixed <head>-tag detection when <head> is using attributes
- Fixed issue with "<?xml"-tags in cached files
- Fixed issue with not redirected http connection when WordPress is configured for https
- Fixed issue where defer-attribute was set even when "merge javascript files" was disabled
- Fixed issue when zlib.output\_compression is turned on
- Fixed ExpiresByType duplicates
- Fixed issue with detection of old php versions
- Fixed encoding issue on 404 pages when server sends error messages
- Removed Method A settings for CSS/JS
Version, November 10, 2017
- This update is just a preparation for the upcoming version 1.1.7
Version, August 19, 2017
- Improved Method B script detection
- Improved update routine
- Fix for Method B's detection of dynamic JavaScript/CSS
Version, August 17, 2017
- Improved Method B, <link>-tags with media queries will now merged correctly
- Improved displayed time to create/time to load when cache file is created
- Improved handling of backend messages
- Added logging for debugging Method B
- Fixed Method B, resolving the path to a file in nested CSS files now works correctly when WordPress is installed into a subdirectory
- Removed deprecated WordPress function is\_comments\_popup()
Version 1.1.5, August 13, 2017
- Improved update routine
- Improved speed of Method B
- Added instant preload of the homepage after config was applied
- Added a message when a plugin/theme was activated/disabled/switched that Borlabs Cache needs a cache refresh
- Added option to refresh the cache of feeds when a post was published
- Added option for Method B to place external JavaScript before or after local JavaScript
- Added many options to clear the <head> of WordPress (remove emojis, meta-generators, manifest, etc.)
- Fixed a rare situation when Borlabs Cache could not find the function is\_user\_logged\_in and did not start caching
- Fixed cache presets for Method B
Version 1.1.4, August 10, 2017
- Added new second merging method for CSS and JavaScript
- Added Google Font optimization for new merging method
- Added minification for new merging method for CSS and JavaScript
- Added a message when PHP memory\_limit is too low
Version 1.1.3, August 5, 2017
- Improved update routine
- Added CDN support
- Fixed meta box displays wrong information when current page is set as front page under rare circumstances
- Fixed missing fragment caching settings when using the importer
- Removed .DS\_Store files
Version, August 2, 2017
- Fix for static CSS files with ? on local path.
Version 1.1.2, July 30, 2017
- Improved cache presets.
- Added update routine. You can now check and update Borlabs Cache like every other plugin
- Added BORLABS\_CACHE\_HTACCESS\_PATH for overwriting path to .htaccess when using Subresource Integrity (SRI).
Version 1.1.1, July 22, 2017
- Improved JavaScript merging
- Improved visualization of detected JavaScript handles and their dependency
- Improved CSS merging
- Added ability to exclude JavaScript with dependencies
- Added ability to force JavaScript handles to enqueue
- Added Referrer-Policy header
Version 1.1, July 15, 2017
- Improved CSS merging
- Improved JavaScript merging
- Improved handling of the Custom cache preset
- Improved fragement caching
- Optimized english translation
- Optimized caching process
- Added version and update checker to the dashboard
- Added german translation
- Added JavaScript Defer option
- Added header security management (Content-Control-Policy, Strict-Transport-Security, X-Frame-Options, X-Content-Type-Options, X-XSS-Protection)
- Added new debug option
- Added detection if Borlabs Cache can work properly or if some folder-permissions need to be corrected
- Added message when Borlabs Cache was installed and need to be configured
- Added search for 404 pages in Cache View
- Added new license type Basic Plus
Version 1.0.1, July 5, 2017
- Fix JavaScript and CSS merging
Version 1.0, June 16, 2017
- Release of Borlabs Cache